lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Meeting reflection

Today we have a good meeting, there were Claudia and Sor Yanet because Katherine couldn´t make it. We talked about today´s assignment, I learn about the use of the blog because I hardly remenber how to work on it, also we clarified things about Irmeli´s mail, and I didn´t know how to work in the blog´s assignment and Claudia and Sor Help me with it. It was a good hour meeting.

3 comentarios:

  1. This is a nice start for your blog. As I mentioned in Bogota, you are free to choose your own topics, but I suggest you blog once a week. If you are missing themes, here are some suggestions:
    1. Contact day reflections - what were the concrete take-aways from the second contact week?

    2. Task 1 in my contact day materials suggests you look for a presentation on Kolb's learning cycle, and embed it to the blog (instructions on how to embed are in the blog handout, which is available on Moodle. There are also links to screencast videos on how to do this). If you still find it difficult, let me know, I'm happy to guide you through the steps!

    3. Task 2 in my contact day materials calls for a team discussion about distance period activities. This should be done using free-to-use images (e.g. Creative Commons) to make e.g. A comic strip, slidecast etc., which you could then embed in your blog and write a post around it.

    Of the different gadgets you could add, I'd want to add the translate-gadget. That way it would be easy for me to follow your blog, even if you occasionally write in Spanish!

    Best regards

  2. Hello again!
    Please, continue writing your blog. You are free to post on any education-related topic, but you could start with the two Tasks I gave you during the contact week.

  3. Hello Carlos,

    Still waiting for the missing tasks, including the final reflections and takeaways based on the collective mind map. Please do it before next week. We cannot send you the certificate of attendance if you haven't completed all the tasks for module 2. Bw David
