viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

My Network

The first week of october was very fruitful for the creation of my centre´s knowledge network of english teaching. First of all  I met with Mrs Liliana Urriago who is the mission coordinator of our centre; The Agricultural Centre of Buga, of the National Training Service, I met her because I wanted to have premission to meet with her and the other five english instructors. so we planned the meeting for the second of october.
In that meeting I just explain them why there was a need of work together and to use network for growing in our pedagogical activities, everybody agree with it and we set that are going to have meetings every friday form 10:00 to 12:00 and at the begining is just to get information and organize the proposal of how to work in the network.
To have a better use of the network I´ll be the coordinator and here are the members of my network:
Mrs Liliana Urriago Mision Coordinator
Instructor  Gerardo Fernandez Pedagogical Counselor
Instructor Juan Carlos  Saavedra Vera Regional Counselor
Instructor Angel Alexander
Instructor Luis Carlos Lopez
Instructor Jackeline Varon
Instructor Ana Fernanda Correa
Instructor Carlos Armando López  CAB´s English Knowledge Network.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Carlos! Very good to notice that there is something going on here! I started having some doubts. Keep writing in the blog every time there is something new happening.
    I'll get back to you separately with a list of reminders. Good luck. David
