sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015

Pre-assigment Reflections

After reading the three articles and some of colleagues reflections I would say that the future of vocational education will be very different. In the work places  I think that work will be different there will be many home jobs but the production of goods like vehicles or heavy equipment will be like now but there will be less job places for people and the people must be trained in operating computers and new software than in handy craft. 
The vocational education will be addressed to develop selfstudy and autonomous learning we have to improve the teachers and the students´skills in that field but as the article "Building the new leader" says the indivudialism will grow. Colombia used to be a raw materials producer specially in agriculture, and we´re having many strong changes in the climate wich couses very difficult situations but now our country  is changing and by the 2030 we´re going to have a very different ways of producting and many jobs will dissapeared and we´re going to have a new jobs specially y the field of health care.
By the year 2030 there will be less english teachers who teach face to face but there will be many virtual courses, the education will be focussed on the real needs of the student leaving people lead their own learning process.

1 comentario:

  1. Thanks Carlos,
    Do you feel you are prepared to face the challenges of 2030, for instance in the field of on-line learning ? Do you think that everything can be taught online ?
