Here we are working in our Network project. The girls are Ana Fernanda and Jackeline and my colleague Luis Carlos.

After that we have a discussion about how to do the proposal for the administration of our center.
First of all we have take advantage of the agreements with Cambridge.
Then we can use a placement text because of the different levels of the newcomers. This test would give us information to develop our own teaching plans, ofcourse based on the cambridge course.
Also there is an idea of work together with the technical teachers just to have a feedback of their needs and their students needs in english.
As a final proposal for next meeting Gerardo Fernandez our pedagogical counsuelor is going to be invited. He is gonig to give us advise of how to develop the class activities according to SENA´s regualtions and formats
Carlos, thanks for the updates! It's looking good and concrete. Keep sharing the updates next week too if you can. And remember that you will need to make a poster out of this project (electronic or not). David