lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015
The 23 rd of november
Today was a good remider for all the process and came to my mind many important and useful things for my teaching. First of all team work, I really didn[t much about it sometimes I thought it was a waste of time, but after all I[ve been through during this year I know is a very important way of learning and a useful tool for teaching. As a teacher I can use it in diferent ways but the most important thing is that students learn from each other.
Second I didn´t know how to work with other teachers and with the network project I learnt how to do it. Now I'm meeting with my group every two weeks doing a good work together our teaching practice is being improved because we all have our own experiences and knowledge.
Finally I learn how to do a student centered class, I need to practice much more but I'm just trying to improve that, thanks to Haaga Helia's course all these I find out all these aspects for my teaching.
The 23 rd of november
Today was a good remider for all the process and came to my mind many important and useful things for my teaching. First of all team work, I really didn[t much about it sometimes I thought it was a waste of time, but after all I[ve been through during this year I know is a very important way of learning and a useful tool for teaching. As a teacher I can use it in diferent ways but the most important thing is that students learn from each other.
Second I didn´t know how to work with other teachers and with the network project I learnt how to do it. Now I'm meeting with my group every two weeks doing a good work together our teaching practice is being improved because we all have our own experiences and knowledge.
Finally I learn how to do a student centered class, I need to practice much more but I'm just trying to improve that, thanks to Haaga Helia's course all these I find out all these aspects for my teaching.
domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015
The strategy to organize the working groups was using a Spanish deck (clubs, golds, cups and swords).
Each person received a card and then had to look his teammates. Strategies to form groups are varied but for each situation should be sought to favor the formation of groups. In this case, as the groups formed not influence much as the next activity consisted in seeing some pictures and discuss them, so they could leave to chance the formation of groups.
People with smartphone received in the mail a message to the file that was to download and install for augmented reality.
Each image that was on the table allows you to view an enlarged image with information about dropout.
Our apprentices have smartphones but they did not use them to learn, they just use them to socialize. Augmented reality and the use of QR codes can be used to generate expectations and encourage them to discover the hidden message behind the image.
The third part of the session was a mix between learning coffee, Bono's the six hats and case studies.
Each person received a bag with materials for activity: a hat of a different color, a paper hat with instructions and a card with the group (1 or 2).
Carlos and Katherine dropouts interviewed two apprentices, that through video or audio they told us their stories and why they wanted to defect. On each table was a laptop with one of those cases. Then there was a sheet to write and some snacks to eat while they were doing the activity.
Assuming the role of the hat, each person had to provide ideas for the solution of the case. Finally, each group changed case, select another color hat and discussed the new situation but assuming the role of another hat.
The last activity was to evaluate our role as trainers on dropout and what everyone can do to avoid it
The objective of the activity was to seek other solutions and insights to a situation that also depends on us teachers.It identifies as actors was the phenomenon of desertion and from our role to find solutions that depend on us and not the system.
The activity was generally good but not the performance of the group. It was not very nice to know last minute changes and the disunity of the group.
Sor Yanet Salazar
Claudia Boja
Katherine Herrera
Carlos Armando López
sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015
In this post I´m going to show my reflections about my teaching practice but also I´m going to improve using Haaga-Helia advises.
What is your teaching philosophy?
As a vocational teacher I think that I have to give my students all I can and the easiest way to learn it. Nowdays students need to learn how to solve real life problems and to do that we have to honest with what we do.
What is your role as a teacher?
I think that according to the learning behavior, sometimes I´m the leader, but sometimes I´m just learning from them but I try to keep everything going so I´m the leader in the classroom
In this activity I´m just introducting myself and making them to introduce themselves the group
Here´s a drill activity with the same group just to practice what they have learned, here it shows how to learn from others information and a new language
In this post I´m going to show my reflections about my teaching practice but also I´m going to improve using Haaga-Helia advises.
· Teaching is a complex activity that involves the teacher with the students in a dynamic interaction and it is held in an institution. For me teaching has to be an open activity based on dialogue, with mutual respect and interest in both teaching and learning participants, respectively.
· About my role I think that according to the learning behavior, sometimes I´m the leader, but sometimes I´m just learning from them
· I have a group made up of 25 students 6 men and 19 women most of them are age between 17 to 20 there are only three older ladies they are 25, 34, and 40. All of them come from poor neighbourhoods.
· The course is Hospitality Management, it last 18 months and I´m teaching them english and is a basic course and the learning outcomes are written and oral texts sometimes are difficult and no all the time.In this section of the course we are going to work according to the Common European Framework for Refernce of languages which is the guideline used in colombia to describe the achivements of the English learners. The course last 60 hours I´ve been working with the group in classes of 3 hours I just worked with the them the third class and I´m going to describe the next 6.
· I think that I´m a mixture of models in my teaching practice; sometimes I use behaviorism, and sometimes I use constructivism but in my case I think that student has to do more of the work because that way he or she gets involved in the learning process.
the goal of the interaction between a teacher and students is the learning achieved by students. In reality, however, a teacher can only influence learning indirectly through the studying of students (Kansanen 1999, 85). This is because learning is the outcome of studying, not teaching, as explained above
As a vocational teacher I think that I have to give my students all I can and the easiest way to learn it. Nowdays students need to learn how to solve real life problems and to do that we have to honest with what we do.
What is your role as a teacher?
I think that according to the learning behavior, sometimes I´m the leader, but sometimes I´m just learning from them but I try to keep everything going so I´m the leader in the classroom
In this activity I´m just introducting myself and making them to introduce themselves the group
“The Master said, “A
true teacher is one who, keeping the past alive, is also able to understand the
present.”(Analects 2.11)
― Confucius
― Confucius
Here´s my Teaching Development Plan, first of all, I´d like to thanks
the people who help me to be a teacher, and there are many, even Haaga-Helia´s
teachers, they were just great. But who really inspire me for being a teacher
are the students.
My role as a teacher has been changing during the 23 years of experience
now and working on the reflection that I did after these process of training
with Haaga-Helia, I´m the leader of the classroom when I start the class but
once I stated the rules and the outcomes I start supporting my students, so an
important part of the time I´m a counselor.
I have groups of students of 25 to 35 for each group they come from poor
neighborhoods and most of them don´t know much
English even that they have been in English classes. So normally as a teacher a
start doing a diagnostic to know their English level. Now the group I have for
my TDP is a group made up of 27 students 13 women and 14 men. Their ages are
between 18 to 25 and a couple of them know some English.
In this TDP I expect from my students the
following outcomes:
They must be able to introduce themselves and
give some extra information about their home towns, family and jobs.(4) hours
They are able to talk and write about their work
environment. (8) hours
They are able talk and write about their hobbies
and leisure activities. (8) hours
Here are some of the contents in what we are going to work:
objective: to interact with each other in English
1 time 4 hours with two 15 minutes breaks
Warm up: the teacher say the name and make the
students say the name too.
Smart board
30 minutes
Contents: Verb to be pronouns
contractions and
Smart board markers and sheet from internet
Pairs and the whole group
| 2 hours |
Practice completing a introduction conversation
Drill activity making lines one in front of each other
and moving around to know every body
Assignment: students have make an introduction of a
least 30 words saying name, where are they from, family members, age,
Students´ notebooks
Here I have to look for the pronunciation
The spell of the words and the order of the words
I´ll be around the classroom couseling them.
Here we are working in our Network project. The girls are Ana Fernanda and Jackeline and my colleague Luis Carlos.

After that we have a discussion about how to do the proposal for the administration of our center.
First of all we have take advantage of the agreements with Cambridge.
Then we can use a placement text because of the different levels of the newcomers. This test would give us information to develop our own teaching plans, ofcourse based on the cambridge course.
Also there is an idea of work together with the technical teachers just to have a feedback of their needs and their students needs in english.
As a final proposal for next meeting Gerardo Fernandez our pedagogical counsuelor is going to be invited. He is gonig to give us advise of how to develop the class activities according to SENA´s regualtions and formats
miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015
CAB´s English Knowledge Network.
The 17th of october our network had a the second meeting. We started at about 10:00 am according to the schedule and we have 4 topics to discuss; first of all we talked about the good news that the bosses aproved our meetings and that we have the time every two weeks. In the second place we talked about the questions that we were going to work in our meetings and then came up some questions: the number one is Why the Sena`s students don`t learn english as quickly as students from other institutions? the other question is; if the Sena has a good curriculum from the Cambridge why don`t we use that as a resourse in our face to face courses?. The third topic was how to work in the organization of our meetings and how to build up a paper to give to the administration ?
After we made interviews with other teachers and with students we find out that one of the problems is because we don`t have unified program for teaching english. Also we find out that SENA has a deal with Cambridge and they have a good english program. So the idea is to work in that program and adapt it to our centre. So our proposal for the administration is based on the development of the teaching methods to improve the the english learning process, and we are going to use our network for sharing information and build up documents like the proposal, by the way we are already working in the proposal using google docs also we have a whatsapp group to arrange the meetings and to have a quick contact with the other members of the group
The next meeting is going to be the first week of November because I´ll be in Medellin the last week of october. I hope by that time we already have the document for the administration ready with the ideas for 2016. So we can start working on the curriculum development.

Here´s the administrative building of my place of work.
The 17th of october our network had a the second meeting. We started at about 10:00 am according to the schedule and we have 4 topics to discuss; first of all we talked about the good news that the bosses aproved our meetings and that we have the time every two weeks. In the second place we talked about the questions that we were going to work in our meetings and then came up some questions: the number one is Why the Sena`s students don`t learn english as quickly as students from other institutions? the other question is; if the Sena has a good curriculum from the Cambridge why don`t we use that as a resourse in our face to face courses?. The third topic was how to work in the organization of our meetings and how to build up a paper to give to the administration ?
After we made interviews with other teachers and with students we find out that one of the problems is because we don`t have unified program for teaching english. Also we find out that SENA has a deal with Cambridge and they have a good english program. So the idea is to work in that program and adapt it to our centre. So our proposal for the administration is based on the development of the teaching methods to improve the the english learning process, and we are going to use our network for sharing information and build up documents like the proposal, by the way we are already working in the proposal using google docs also we have a whatsapp group to arrange the meetings and to have a quick contact with the other members of the group
The next meeting is going to be the first week of November because I´ll be in Medellin the last week of october. I hope by that time we already have the document for the administration ready with the ideas for 2016. So we can start working on the curriculum development.

Here´s the administrative building of my place of work.
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015
My Network
The first week of october was very fruitful for the creation of my centre´s knowledge network of english teaching. First of all I met with Mrs Liliana Urriago who is the mission coordinator of our centre; The Agricultural Centre of Buga, of the National Training Service, I met her because I wanted to have premission to meet with her and the other five english instructors. so we planned the meeting for the second of october.
In that meeting I just explain them why there was a need of work together and to use network for growing in our pedagogical activities, everybody agree with it and we set that are going to have meetings every friday form 10:00 to 12:00 and at the begining is just to get information and organize the proposal of how to work in the network.
To have a better use of the network I´ll be the coordinator and here are the members of my network:
Mrs Liliana Urriago Mision Coordinator
Instructor Gerardo Fernandez Pedagogical Counselor
Instructor Juan Carlos Saavedra Vera Regional Counselor
Instructor Angel Alexander
Instructor Luis Carlos Lopez
Instructor Jackeline Varon
Instructor Ana Fernanda Correa
Instructor Carlos Armando López CAB´s English Knowledge Network.
The first week of october was very fruitful for the creation of my centre´s knowledge network of english teaching. First of all I met with Mrs Liliana Urriago who is the mission coordinator of our centre; The Agricultural Centre of Buga, of the National Training Service, I met her because I wanted to have premission to meet with her and the other five english instructors. so we planned the meeting for the second of october.
In that meeting I just explain them why there was a need of work together and to use network for growing in our pedagogical activities, everybody agree with it and we set that are going to have meetings every friday form 10:00 to 12:00 and at the begining is just to get information and organize the proposal of how to work in the network.
To have a better use of the network I´ll be the coordinator and here are the members of my network:
Mrs Liliana Urriago Mision Coordinator
Instructor Gerardo Fernandez Pedagogical Counselor
Instructor Juan Carlos Saavedra Vera Regional Counselor
Instructor Angel Alexander
Instructor Luis Carlos Lopez
Instructor Jackeline Varon
Instructor Ana Fernanda Correa
Instructor Carlos Armando López CAB´s English Knowledge Network.
sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015
Pre-assigment Reflections
After reading the three articles and some of colleagues reflections I would say that the future of vocational education will be very different. In the work places I think that work will be different there will be many home jobs but the production of goods like vehicles or heavy equipment will be like now but there will be less job places for people and the people must be trained in operating computers and new software than in handy craft.
The vocational education will be addressed to develop selfstudy and autonomous learning we have to improve the teachers and the students´skills in that field but as the article "Building the new leader" says the indivudialism will grow. Colombia used to be a raw materials producer specially in agriculture, and we´re having many strong changes in the climate wich couses very difficult situations but now our country is changing and by the 2030 we´re going to have a very different ways of producting and many jobs will dissapeared and we´re going to have a new jobs specially y the field of health care.
By the year 2030 there will be less english teachers who teach face to face but there will be many virtual courses, the education will be focussed on the real needs of the student leaving people lead their own learning process.
The vocational education will be addressed to develop selfstudy and autonomous learning we have to improve the teachers and the students´skills in that field but as the article "Building the new leader" says the indivudialism will grow. Colombia used to be a raw materials producer specially in agriculture, and we´re having many strong changes in the climate wich couses very difficult situations but now our country is changing and by the 2030 we´re going to have a very different ways of producting and many jobs will dissapeared and we´re going to have a new jobs specially y the field of health care.
By the year 2030 there will be less english teachers who teach face to face but there will be many virtual courses, the education will be focussed on the real needs of the student leaving people lead their own learning process.
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